Could the Solar System Have Originated 10,000 Light Years Away? — Exploring Where the Solar System Came From and Why Planets Are So Different in the Milky Way



Dr. Junichi Baba from the Amaganogawa Galaxy Research Center (AGARC) has been working with Dr. Takayuki Saito from Kobe University and Dr. Takashi Tsujimoto from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Together, they’ve come up with a unique theory to understand how the Milky Way Galaxy works.

Their research has led to a fascinating discovery: the Solar System was born around 4.6 billion years ago much closer to the centre of our Galaxy than where it is now.  This finding suggests that over a very long time, our Solar System has been moving around inside the Milky Way, changing and evolving.

What’s more, they used their theory to make some predictions about the materials that make up planets in our Galaxy. According to their predictions, big planets are more likely to form closer to the centre of the Milky Way, while smaller planets with lots of water could be found in the outer parts of our Galaxy. This discovery is like the first step in a new field of study they call “Galactic Planetology.”

Their research was published in a scientific journal called the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on October 9, 2023.

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